
Instructions for performing various Service Catalog tasks.

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Synchronize a Broker

A broker’s catalog may occasionally change the services it offers. Therefore, Service Catalog must resynchronize with the broker to get the updated services. A broker may resynchronize automatically or may need to be resynchronized manually. By default, brokers are resynchronized automatically based on the brokerRelistInterval global setting in Service Catalog. If a broker must be resynchronized immediately or if .spec.relistBehavior on the broker has been set to manual, then it can be resynchronized manually by incrementing .spec.relistRequests. This can be done using svcat:

$ svcat get classes
  mariadb                  Helm Chart for mariadb
  mongodb                  Helm Chart for mongodb
  mysql                    Helm Chart for mysql
  postgresql               Helm Chart for postgresql
$ svcat sync broker foobar --scope cluster
Synchronization requested for broker: foobar

$ svcat get classes
  mariadb                  Helm Chart for mariadb
  mongodb                  Helm Chart for mongodb
  mysql                    Helm Chart for mysql
  postgresql               Helm Chart for postgresql
  redis                    Helm Chart for redis
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